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We are by your side.

 Attractiveness and value through strategic communication.

Opinion leader in the media

We plan PR and communication campaigns and support in topic planning and distribution via digital channels. We orchestrate your issues and create structures for target group-specific communication in order to strengthen your reputation and brand in the media and among multipliers.

Öffentlicher Arbeitsraum

Value-adding communication, Reputation management und Purpose

We develop purpose driven company values for your communication strategy. Authentic communication based on values creates trust and loyalty among customers, investors, employees and new professionals. We support you in formulating clear guiding principles and mission statements that reflect your values and culture.

Strategies for crisis communication, product innovations and business opportunities

We develop communication strategies taking your company goals into account and solve your challenges with sustainable communication and strategy. Whether in the event of a crisis, company succession through to the communication of innovations and products. We support you with the core messages and with tailor-made solutions and positions.

Ein Referat halten

Thought leadership with facts and figures

Information creates value for your company. We develop and market market-relevant studies and industry surveys with high news values for you in collaboration with first-class cooperation partners. Our expertise focuses on studies, for example, on the topics of digital transformation, securing skilled workers, sustainability and the potential of AI.

Communication of sustainability issues and ESG reporting 

We communicate your ESG initiatives and reports in the areas of sustainability and diversity transparently and convincingly to the outside world. From environmental aspects to social responsibility and governance – we are at your side with tailor-made communication solutions and advise you with our network of experts. 

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DA global Communications Consulting GmbH

Clayallee 343

D-14169 Berlin

(+49) 172 - 240 33 59

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